Health Care Tunnel Vision

Patient voice plays an integral role in the advancement of clinical practice. I engage in conversations every chance I get regarding pelvic organ prolapse; opportunities to discuss a health topic that has been shrouded in secrecy for thousands of years’ present avenues to encourage disclosure. As an advocate who guides women toward healthcare professionals for both surgical and nonsurgical treatment of POP, I encourage women to disclose symptoms and concerns that are often embarrassing to discuss. I feel strongly that we need to get past the discomfort zone and recognize that at its most basic level, pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a health condition that is treatable, not an issue that needs to be hidden away behind closed doors.

The problem with tunnel vision is we lose sight of valuable perceptions outside the tunnel. 

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The Vagina: The most stigmatized health frontier

When will we be able to talk about vaginal health out loud? By definition, stigma is a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance or quality. Feeling labeled or defined by a health condition can be devastating. Women typically navigate discovery upon diagnosis when experiencing pelvic organ prolapse (POP); they often go for months and sometimes years with no clue what is occurring in their bodies. Physically incapacitating to varying degrees based on type and grade of severity, POP makes a mess out of nearly every aspect of women’s lives, dissecting family, intimate, and employment sectors. Additionally, POP stigma often generates feelings of:

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POP Healthcare Priorities and Global Evolution Insights, with Oscar Contreras Ortiz, MD, FACOG

Women’s breast and heart health directives receive a considerable amount of press time, but somehow despite massive prevalence, pelvic organ prolapse (POP) has never comfortably been accepted as a topic of open conversation. The good news is female pelvic health care is slowly becoming a bit more energized after thousands of years of being stuffed in the closet. The bad news is we are truly not clinically or academically prepared for concerns that underscore the POP pandemic.  With half the female population experiencing pelvic organ prolapse and multiple intersecting pelvic floor conditions, how will we address need?  When will women be routinely screened for POP? Who will fill research and clinician shortfall? We have much work to do to enable the clinical, academic, and research arms to spawn in a way that will effectively address coming need.

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The Evolution of Women's Pelvic Health Care

Despite thousands of years on medical record, stigma continues to shroud pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in silence.  Patients typically experience symptoms such as vaginal tissue bulge, urinary or fecal incontinence, pain with intimacy, lack of sexual sensation, chronic constipation, or tampons pushing out. Women are characteristically embarrassed to disclose symptoms to clinicians; often clinicians inquire ineffectively. The question becomes what should we do to speak to much needed change in POP diagnostics? Clearly clinical fields which provide women’s pelvic health screening need to evolve curricula. The APOPS 2016 Women’s Pelvic Health Congress, taking place in Manchester, UK July 18-19, 2016, and Milwaukee, WI August 18-19, 2016, will present a targeted program of women’s pelvic health that is regularly misunderstood in multiple fields of practice and currently seldom offered to diagnostic clinicians.

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Media Planet interview with Sherrie Palm for USA Today Women's Health Supplement

Sherrie Palm, the Founder and Executive Director of the Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support opens up about pelvic organ prolapse (POP), a silently pervasive reality facing women. 

Media Planet~Certain health conditions and symptoms of POP are often not shared during doctor visits. Why is this case?
Sherrie Palm~Despite nearly 4000 years on medical record, stigma continues to shroud pelvic organ prolapse in silence. Urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, tissues bulging from the vagina, and painful intercourse are symptoms few women are comfortable speaking about out loud. I feel all pelvic organ prolapse symptoms need to be talked about out loud, to enable women suffering in silence to recognize they are not alone, to increase awareness of POP, and to clarify that treatment is available. 

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Sherrie Palm Interview with InControl Medical: Next Generation for Pelvic Floor Strength

Interviews with Key Opinion Leaders within healthcare and industry provide valuable insights into multiple aspects of the POP dynamic.  As pelvic organ prolapse awareness increases and women recognize symptoms and request screening from their clinicians, the value of treatment variety will magnify. Every woman’s needs are unique; some women want surgery, some prefer non-surgical treatments. APOPS continually explores all treatment options to better inform our following.

A trip to InControl Medical (ICM) was of considerable value to better understand the pelvic floor strengthening devices this forward thinking company provides. I would like to share some information captured during my meeting with Amy Bomberg, VP of Sales Development, a refreshingly outspoken women’s pelvic health advocate.

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