Sherrie Palm shares the reality of pelvic organ prolapse quality of life impact at clinician, patient, and industry events. The above speech was provided at the ISCG2020 in March 2020. Sherrie Palm Bio, CV, and Speaker OneSheet can be accessed here.
There are 3.75 billion females in the world. Research often estimates up to 50% of them will experience POP. If you are experiencing pelvic, vaginal, or rectal symptoms you don't understand, check out the POP Risk Factor Questionnaire.
Curious how Sherrie began her journey as a pelvic organ prolapse patient advocate? She shares the journey with hormone/fitness guru Kata Csehek, founder of Institute for Endocrine Gymnastics.
APOPS pelvic organ prolapse videos provide insights to enable women to understand pelvic organ prolapse, symptoms, causes, and treatments, as well as recognize they are not alone suffering with the physical, emotional, social, sexual, fitness, and employment quality of life impact. Multiple individual videos are linked below, or can be accessed on Sherrie Palm YouTube page links below.
ADDITIONAL Sherrie Palm POP videos:
Seven Years Beyond Transvaginal Mesh Surgery: All Is Well
Thank You for the Insights You Share
Items You'll Need After Surgery
Self Screening for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Colpocleisis: Another Surgical Procedure for POP
Sherrie Palm's Book Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic
Pelvic Floor Strengthening Devices
Five Types of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms
Guidance for Anxiety About Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Which Practitioner Should I Choose
Help APOPS Help Women with POP
Sherrie Palm Educational Presentations
PBS Second Opinion Show, Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms All Women Should Know
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Common Health Issue All Women Need to Recognize
The Author's Show Interview with Don McCauley & Sherrie Palm