“If we are not YET talking out loud about all aspects of women’s health, as women, we are not yet fully empowered.” ~Sherrie palm
Host an Event to Increase POP Awareness!
POP Awareness Month was established in Wisconsin via bipartisan Legislative Joint Resolution 71, introduced by Senators Lazich and Taylor, cosponsored by Representatives Endsley, Skowronski, and Johnson, 2014. POP Awareness Month energy has grown over the years to globally include practitioner, industry, and patient engagement to increase pelvic organ prolapse awareness, to listen to and acknowledge patient voice, to destigmatize vaginal health, to encourage and optimize vaginal health empowerment, and to clarify and quantify POP quality of life ramifications.
Please consider hosting a Facebook fundraiser or private event to increase POP awareness and raise funds to support apops projects in the pipeline!
Join APOPS POPStars as they take action to increase POP awareness! Snag the tools you need for your campaign from APOPS Media Kit.
Host your own FB event. For examples of types of events to host, check out APOPS Host a Fundraiser page!
Download APOPS modifiable word document flyer by clicking on the links below.
Event template for women hosting events
Event template for practitioners and industry hosting events
Set up a GoFundMe campaign to coincide with your personal #stopPOP or #POPStar event fundraiser.
How to set up a GoFundMe Campaign
Sherrie Palm speaks out on how Silence is the Enemy of Women’s Health Empowerment.
We must talk out loud about vaginal and intimate female health conditions like pelvic organ prolapse to INCREASE AWARENESS and to DESTIMGATIZE. June POP AWARENESS MONTH is APOPS effort to shift women’s vaginal health awareness into the 21st century.