#APOPS is a #grassrootsMOVEMENT to increase awareness of #pelvicorganprolapse. It takes courage and committment to the cause to share your story with the world. As more women step forward and talk out loud about pelvic organ prolapse, we will de-stigmatize the #TheBiggestSecretinWomensHealth.
One of APOPS primary objectives is to increase pelvic organ prolapse awareness. Women experiencing POP rarely talk about it out loud, resulting in nearly 4,000 years of silence shrouding this common women’s health condition from public awareness. Considering an estimated 50% of women experience POP, it is critical all women share their experiences with their sisters, mothers, daughters, and friends to empower all women to ask the right questions and find the guidance they need.
#APOPS is a #grassrootsMOVEMENT to increase awareness of #pelvicorganprolapse. It takes courage and committment to the cause to share your story with the world. As more women step forward and talk out loud about pelvic organ prolapse, we will de-stigmatize the #TheBiggestSecretinWomensHealth.
One of APOPS primary objectives is to increase pelvic organ prolapse awareness. Women experiencing POP rarely talk about it out loud, resulting in nearly 4,000 years of silence shrouding this common women’s health condition from public awareness. Considering an estimated 50% of women experience POP, it is critical all women share their experiences with their sisters, mothers, daughters, and friends to empower all women to ask the right questions and find the guidance they need.
Sherrie Palm, APOPS Founder
APOPS Board Director Michele Modellas
APOPS Board Director Melissa Frasure
APOPS Board Director Mary Pippen
10 June 2023
Patient Bronwyn Ford