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I knew within two weeks of my pelvic organ prolapse diagnosis in 2007 that I had to do something to change the way the world addressed this common, cryptic condition. As I turned to the internet to dig for answers, I was shocked to learn how common POP is, I was shocked to learn the number of different types of POP, I was shocked to learn how many daily activities and events women experience are causal factors, but mostly I was shocked that I'd never heard of pelvic organ prolapse. I'd done all the right stuff related to routine maintenance. I exercised, I have a relatively healthy diet (ok, I confess if you wave a brownie in front of my face, I'm going to gobble it up...), followed protocol regarding health screenings, I tracked women's health articles voraciously, I aggressively monitored my health ballast to keep MS under control. To be diagnosed with a condition that I'd not only never heard of, but discovered was extremely common, was quite a smack in the face. I was shocked, I was incredulous, and to put it mildly, I was ticked off. How was it possible I'd never heard of pelvic organ prolapse if millions of women have the condition?

As my journey blossomed from author to advocate, I listened to many of you reiterate my exact sentiments. "Why wasn't I told about this before?" became an echo I heard and continue to hear repetitively. We feel insulted that the healthcare community did not share information about a condition incredibly invasive to our lives. I'm thrilled to report that the POP arena is changing. 

Behind the scenes, APOPS is pushing the envelope to address multiple concerns regarding the pelvic organ prolapse dynamic.

  • AWARENESS-All women should know about pelvic organ prolapse ahead of the curve.

  • SCREENING-All women should be screened during routine pelvic exams.

  • ACCURATE STATISTIC CAPTURE-Women, healthcare, industry, and research need to know the real numbers.

  • PRACTITIONER POP CURRICULUM-Physicians need to be better educated about POP basics.

Moving into 2014, APOPS feels there will always be a need to evolve internally to better address your needs; our new website and logo reflect our vision. As we move forward, your voices will guide us, tell us what the most significant needs are, remind us that we truly are a team in motion. Side by side we'll push the envelope until pelvic organ prolapse awareness, screening, and treatment are addressed at the level they need to be. There is zero doubt in my mind, we are generating the biggest shift in women's health since breast cancer screening. 

APOPS wanted to present a fresh face to couple with what is going to be a stellar year of change for women navigating pelvic organ prolapse. We are launching our new website designed to enable you to more easily find the pages you seek; formatted to make our newsletter, social media feeds, programs, and educational materials an easy click to find.

APOPS projects in motion:

  • APOPS HOPE HEALS awareness campaign is growing in US, Europe, and China!

  • POP App is in development!

  • WHEN program in Bhalayatar, Nepal is moving forward!

As POP energy grabs me or aspects of the impact to women's lives fluster my core, I'll use this blog to share thoughts with all of you in words and video. Together we will generate change.

Hope Heals!



